Author: Body & Flow

Rectus Separation

  Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles is a separation of the linea alba, a connective tissue that acts like straps joining the muscles in the middle of the abdomen. This is mostly common in pregnant women, as the tissue attachments widen and split to accommodate


The spine, when viewed from the side, forms an S shape. The cervical and lumbar spines show lordosis curves and the thoracic spine shows kyphosis curve. This combination of forwards and backward curves allows our spine to perform different activities while keeping the spine strong

Defining the Core

The core, also called the powerhouse, holds the body in alignment and allows the extremities to move in a more efficient and effective manner. Imagine the midsec­tion as a cylinder. The top surface is the diaphragm and the bottom is the pelvic floor muscles. The

The Teaser

The Teaser is one of the most challenging Pilates exercises and teases gravity as it works from the ground up, hence the name. The Teaser strengthen the core, challenges the balance and the symmetry of core engagement. The Teaser can be performer on the mat, Reformer

Maintaining Good Posture

Like a bonsai tree, Your terrible posture at My dinner table” Haikus For Jew by D. M. Bader [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Special Populations Primary School Teachers

In Pilates it is possible to cater for all kinds of Special Populations and there is much literature to be found on this subject.  Pilates to improve your running technique, how Pilates can improve posture amongst the younger generation, Pilates for Mothers and Babies, Pre-natal

Body & Flow • body and flow offers outstanding body and mind training programs for the Wellness industry

What is Balance

  Ever found it hard find a balance between different aspects of your life? Between family and work? Family time and your own time? Chores and fun? Well, you are not alone with this constant search for the perfect equilibrium. Good news is that there