

  1. Events
  2. Venues
  3. zoom
Events at this venue

Pre and Post Natal Course :: Zoom

zoom Zoom meeting, NY, United States

Pre and Post Natal Course :: Zoom This course will show you how to teach safe and inspiring classes using a variety of methods including yoga, Pilates, relaxation, and visualization. We will explore the physical, emotional, and hormonal changes, talk about common issues, and how...

Upper Limp Pathologies

zoom Zoom meeting, NY, United States

Join our exclusive workshop on upper limb pathologies in Pilates for a unique opportunity to enhance your expertise in Pilates instruction. Designed for fitness professionals, our workshop will delve into the intricacies of upper limb pathologies and how they intersect with Pilates practices. Discover specialized...

Trainers meeting

zoom Zoom meeting, NY, United States

All teacher trainers meet regularly to share their experiences, discuss ongoing trainings, address any questions or concerns, and learn together. These meetings provide a valuable opportunity for the teacher trainers to collaborate, exchange knowledge, and stay updated on the latest developments in the field. By...