Maintaining Good Posture

Like a bonsai tree, Your terrible posture at My dinner table”

Haikus For Jew by D. M. Bader


On receiving this gift from a close girlfriend, the first page I opened read the above Haiku. It was such a time-machine- moment as it immediately took me back to my grandmother’s antique dining room. I can still see her in front of my child eyes putting the main dish on the table as the room fills with a wonderful aroma.   Always erect and aware, looking amazingly taller than her 152 cm height like any other Jewish mother, she never forgot to mention the importance of maintaining good posture.

At the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the definition for posture is:

  1. the position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose <erect posture> b: the pose of a model or artistic figure
  2. state or condition at a given time especially with respect to capability in particular circumstances <maintain a competitive posture in the market>
  3. a conscious mental or outward behavioral attitude

Posture is not only the way we hold our physical body. This is our attitude towards life, the way we carry ourselves in our path, the way we relate to gravity, the oppositional forces of the earth which always reflect in our body. Good posture is about physical and mental awareness; about the input we put on our body throughout our lives and much more. Food for thought…


The benefits are overwhelmingly too relevant to ignore in our especially modern life-styles. The current approach to posture is integration! We are made of tiny little sparkles that form a WHOLE, and what affects one part ripples through in the entire being.


Plumb Perfect

* Plumb Perfect

  • Bones and Joints aligned allow an efficient muscle use
  • Joints’ wear and tear are decreased
  • Ligaments’ stress decreased
  • Restriction of the spine is prevented
  • Muscle fatigue is prevented
  • Repetitive strain is prevented
  • Back ache, muscle spasms or headache are prevented
  • Strength and confidence is built


  • Be Lifted – An imaginary string exiting at the top of the head pulling higher
  • The Plumb line – Top head-ear-shoulder-hip-knee-ankle joining up
  • Freedom in the Neck – Long and Elegant
  • Happy Collarbones – Smiling and expanding clavicles
  • Open, Leveled Shoulders – Hanging effortlessly
  • Rhythmic ribcage – Moving in harmony with the necessary breathing pattern
  • Leveled Hips – Directing evenly the two halves of the body
  • Soft Knees – Allowing more distribution
  • Two way ankles – Feeding from the ground as well as from the body


  • Spine upright to support low back
  • Shoulders down and back
  • Buttocks all the way at the back of the seat
  • Back of Pelvis at the back of the chair for Support, and/ or support low back with small cushion or a rolled up towel to maintain natural lumbar curve
  • Body weight distribution on both feet evenly flat on floor – use foot rest if cant reach the floor-
  • Knees bent at a right angle, roughly level with hips
  • Elbows by side
  • Tummy drawing in
  • Maintain regular, natural breath

Avoid crossing the legs – It rotates the pelvis backwards on the side that you are crossing over, that is you are hanging on the ligaments and tendons!

Push the upper body away from lower body so the spine is stretching and the core stability muscles off load the pressure in the spinal joints, do this for 20 seconds as many times as you can remember!


  • Move at the front of the seat of your chair
  • Bring the body weight on to the legs
  • Stand by straightening the legs
  • Avoid bending forward at the waist

Maintaining Good Posture Conclusion

Our posture is dynamic and reveals our habits, genetics, culture and even mental state, the position we sleep in and more.

Keep your shoulders down and your scapula hanging on your ribs

Shoulders down and  scapula hanging on the ribs

Feet balanced and rooted to the center of the earth

Feet balanced and rooted to the center of the earth

Avoid slouching

Avoid slouching

Avoid tilting your pelvis

Avoid tilting your pelvis

It is a known fact that babies are born with the inner knowledge of maintaining a good posture. As we observe babies who sit, even though the head is very big comparing the rest of the body, the head rests perfectly over the spine and the spine is erect and symmetrical. As we grow, we adopt the habits of the surroundings, and better we set a good example for the future generation and for our own health.

* While the term “Ideal Alignment” is commonly used and serves as a guideline, there are, in fact, as many posture types as there are humans….this ideal alignment standard is consistent and scientific, creating maximum efficiency and minimum stress.

[notice ]By Manuela Piana & Or-yah Avni[/notice]
